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Building real friendships across borders on National Best Friends Day

The whole experience of studying in a new country can be overwhelming. You don’t know anyone, the language or even how to order food! But you know who can make it better? A friend. They can be your guiding light in a foreign land, someone to explore the new city with, enjoy the local cuisines and much more! On this National Best Friends Day, celebrated in the UK, Ireland, Malta, the US, Canada, and many more countries on the 8th of June, build genuine friendships with people from different countries while improving your language skills with English Path! Keep reading to learn about National Best Friends Day

What is National Best Friends Day?

On the 8th of June each year, friends come together to celebrate National Best Friends Day. This day is dedicated to honouring and appreciating the friends who hold a special place in your heart. It is a celebration of the diverse bonds you've formed outside of your immediate family — your chosen family. Whether they are the friends you've known since childhood, the ones you met during your school years, or the ones you met on holiday abroad, this day is all about acknowledging and cherishing those special friendships, making everyone feel included and valued. 

Make international friends with English Path

Making friends can seem a challenging task, but sometimes it’s easier than we think. Humans, by nature, look for companionship, which is why making friends is not as difficult as it may seem. All you have to do is reach out, and someone will be happy to join you.  

At English Path, our student community is a diverse and welcoming family, with learners coming from various countries and backgrounds. This means that in class, you will be studying alongside students who have travelled from all over the world to learn English. This is one of the best opportunities to learn about different cultures and make friends across borders. Let’s explore how you can make friends as an English Path student across our various campuses. 

  1. In the classroom: Strike up a conversation with your fellow classmates on something you both find interesting. 
  2. Online community: We also have an online student community! You can join courses to learn English and connect with fellow learners from around the world. 
  3. Group activities: Working on projects and assignments together is a great way to bond with your classmates. Share ideas, help each other out, and become friends! 
  4. Break time is friend time: During breaks, don't just bury yourself in your phone! Use the breaks to chat with your classmates, ask about their day, or maybe just share a snack. 
  5. Local events: Reseach local events happening in the city. These are perfect places to meet other students or even locals who share your interests. 
  6. Explore your city together: Suggest a visit to a museum, park, or local landmark with your classmates. Then, you can learn about your city and bond with classmates. 
  7. Celebrate together: You can celebrate an upcoming festival or even an accomplishment in class. Organise a small celebration with your classmates to share traditions and have fun together. 
  8. Stay connected: After your course is over, remember to stay in touch with your classmates online. You can use social media or messaging apps to stay active. 

Tips for building international friendships

When you’re trying to build genuine friendships with people who come from different backgrounds and countries and follow different cultures, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some tips for making friends on National Best Friends Day

  • Be open-minded! It's important to respect differences in cultures and customs. This is also an opportunity to learn about them.  
  • Make technology your other new friend! Video calls and messaging apps can help you bridge the distance with your international friends.  
  • Find common ground! You can share hobbies, favourite movies, TV series, interests, and even funny memes!  
  • Be patient and understanding! Remember, building trust and understanding in international friendships takes time. So, don’t be discouraged if you can’t make friends quickly. 

Friendships across borders help you develop a global perspective, explore new things, and, most of all, give you someone to call a friend. On National Best Friends Day, start your journey of exploring new cultures and making friends across borders by exploring the wide range of language courses available at English Path campuses in the UK, Ireland, Malta, Toronto and the UAE.  

Happy National Best Friends Day! 

Frequently asked questions about building real friendships across borders on National Best Friends Day

Q1. When is National Best Friends Day celebrated?

A1. On 8th June each year, National Best Friends Day is celebrated across the UK, the US, Canada, Ireland, and Malta. It is a day to honour, recognise, and appreciate your closest friends. 

Q2. Why is National Best Friends Day celebrated?

A2. People around the world celebrate National Best Friends Day to remind themselves how important their friends are. They make us laugh, support us during tough times, and create amazing memories with us. 

Q3. Is there a special greeting for National Best Friends Day?

A3. There's no special or official greeting, but you can say something like "Happy National Best Friends Day!" to your friends. You can also give them gifts to remember the day. 

Q4. What fun things can I say to my best friend on National Best Friends Day?

A4. You can celebrate your best friend on National Best Friends Day by saying: 

  • I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend! 
  • You always know how to make me laugh. 
  • Thanks for always being there for me. 
  • I can't wait to make more memories with you! 

Q5. How can I make friends at English Path?

A5. You can make friends at English Path by participating in group activities, joining our online community, or enrolling in our social programme. Don't hesitate to reach out to other students in the class and engage in lively conversations. Remember, everyone is there to learn and connect, so don't be shy! Try to start conversations and be open to making new friends.