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English Path’s initiative to raise awareness of breast cancer

In October 2023, English Path joined millions around the world in recognising Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer Awareness Month, also known as ‘Pink October,’ is an annual campaign. This global campaign aims to increase disease awareness and raise funds for research, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cures. That’s why, on the 12th of October, we showed our support for those affected by breast cancer. We encouraged our community, colleagues, and students to wear pink clothing and stand together against this disease. This small step brought us together and showed that our community cares about the many people affected by this disease worldwide. 

Our highlights

The main goal of this initiative was to make more people aware of breast cancer, highlight the importance of finding it early, and actively help raise money for research and support. We did this by: 

  • Wearing pink: We all wore pink to show our support for breast cancer. It was our way of saying that we care and want to help. Our pink outfits displayed our continued efforts to keep helping people affected by breast cancer. 
  • Spreading awareness about breast cancer: We shared important facts about breast cancer in Malta and discussed why finding it early is important for better treatment. We wanted everyone to know about self-checks, regular screenings, and factors that could increase the chances of having breast cancer. 
  • Helping others through learning: We helped our colleagues learn about breast cancer in Malta by sharing resources and information with them. We encouraged everyone to educate themselves and others about how to find it early, and the support resources that are available. If you want to learn more about breast cancer, please visit the Sexual Health Malta website ( 
  • Raising our voices for change: By joining the global conversation about breast cancer, we want to make sure everyone has access to the correct information and support they need. 
  • Standing with the warriors: We understand that the journey through breast cancer can be challenging, both for patients and their loved ones. By showing our support, we hope to bring strength and encouragement to those affected. 

We hope that our efforts will inspire others to take action and make a positive impact on the lives of those fighting breast cancer. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a world where breast cancer is no longer a threat to anyone's health and well-being. 


  • Breast cancer is a global issue, affecting millions worldwide.
  • Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting women around the world.
  • Early detection is very important for successful treatment.
  • Self-examinations and regular check-ups can help prevent and find better treatments for breast cancer.
  • Educate yourself and your loved ones about the factors that increase the chances of getting breast cancer.
  • Resources and support are available to those affected by breast cancer.

What can you do to help? 

At English Path, we care for others and believe in raising awareness about breast cancer. Even though Breast Cancer Awareness Month will not be celebrated again until October, we want to keep talking about it and supporting research efforts, so we encourage you to do the same. Some easy ways to do this are: 

  • Talk to your family, friends and loved ones about breast cancer and encourage them to learn more and share information with others. 
  • Only share reliable and accurate information from credible sources like the Sexual Health Malta website and the World Health Organization (WHO). 
  • Support organisations working towards breast cancer research, prevention, and care. 

Together, we can make a difference and take steps towards a healthier, cancer-free future.