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Learn English words which Shakespeare invented

Born more than 460 years ago in the Early Modern Period, William Shakespeare was more than just a playwright, poet, and actor. He was also a visionary who has inspired generation of writers through his words. More than 1,700 words were invented by Shakespeare and have been added to major dictionaries around the world, many of which are still in use today! Learn about some of the most common words Shakespeare invented, why you should learn them and how to use them in sentences with English Path. 

Why should you learn words invented by Shakespeare?

Words Shakespeare created for his plays and poems have shaped the English language we know today. Learning them can help you improve your English skills and appreciate the beauty of English literature. 

  • Help you build a vast vocabulary of English words: Learning Shakespeare's English words can help you find new and creative ways to express your thoughts and feelings. 
  • The role of English literature in our world: English words Shakespeare invented will take you on an emotional journey through time and appreciate the role English literature. 
  • Improve your English language skills: By using words invented by Shakespeare in everyday sentences, you can take your English skills to a level where you will sound fluent and knowledgeable to the whole world. 

Common English words Shakespeare invented

Now that you know the many advantages of learning Shakespeare's English words, let's look at some of them that are still in circulation so that you can add them to your personal dictionary. 

1. Bedroom (n.) 

A room with a bed for sleeping is called a bedroom. For example, “Lady Macbeth went to her bedroom to rest after a long day.” 

2. Eyeball (n.) 

The round part of the eye inside the socket. For example, “the Earl of Gloucester injured his eyeball during the game of hide and seek.” 

3. Gossip (n. / v.) 

Talking or spreading rumours about others' private conversations. For example, “Hermia and Helena enjoyed a bit of gossip during their walk around the palace.” 

4. Swagger (n. / v.) 

To walk a certain way or behave confidently and arrogantly. For example, “Theseus walked into the throne room with a confident swagger.” 

5. Alligator (n.) 

A large reptile with a long body, thick skin, and a long, flat mouth. For example, “Malcolm saw an alligator when he went hunting in the forest.” 

6. Bedazzled (v. / adj.) 

To greatly impress someone with outstanding skills or a very striking appearance. For example, “Nick Bottom bedazzled the audience with his tricks during the play.” 

7. Gloomy (adj.) 

A place that is very dark or poorly lit and creates a feeling of sadness and loneliness. For example, “the weather was gloomy, which matched Ophelia's mood.” 

8. Fashionable (adj.) 

Characteristic of a person or a current popular trend or style in a certain period. For example, “Titania has always stocked her wardrobe with the most fashionable clothes of the season.” 

9. Champion (n. / v.) 

A person who has beaten all his/her rivals in a competition. For example, “Miranda was declared a champion after defeating Ferdinand in a chess game.” 

10. Advertising (n. / v.) 

An activity or profession of producing/creating advertisements for commercial products or services. For example, “Angelo launched a new advertising company.” 

How can you use words Shakespeare invented in everyday conversation?

Using English words invented by Shakespeare can make you sound smart and knowledgeable. Follow the tips given below to use them in your everyday conversations with confidence. 

  • Make a list of the most common words and try to use one each day in a sentence.  
  • Reading Shakespeare's works is difficult, but it can also help you understand how to use his words in everyday conversations.  
  • Apart from speaking, you can also practise writing English words invented by Shakespeare in short essays or even short stories.  
  • Enrol in English Path language courses to learn English and use words Shakespeare invented and many other words in your everyday conversations. You can also enrol in our One-to-one course for personalised attention! 

Frequently asked questions about English words Shakespeare invented

Q1. How many English words did Shakespeare invent?

A1. Shakespeare created many words when writing plays and poems. Many of those words have been added to English dictionaries worldwide, and 1,700 words are still in use today! 

Q2. What are some commonly used words Shakespeare invented?

A2. Some of the most common Shakespeare words that we still use today are gossip, watchdog, advertising, dwindle, critic, bedroom, and so many more! 

Q3. How can I use words Shakespeare invented in daily life?

A3. You can use English words Shakespeare invented in your daily life by using them when having conversations with others and writing. You can also read Shakespeare's works to understand how these words are used. At English Path, we can also teach you how to use Shakespeare's English words and many other words in real-life situations. 

Q4. How can I remember all the words invented by Shakespeare?

A4. You don't have to remember each and every word created by Shakespeare. You can add a few to your list and start learning them slowly. The best way to do this is by finding creative ways to use them in your daily conversations. 

Q5. Why did Shakespeare invent words?

A5. The reasons why Shakespeare created new words aren’t known for sure, but what we can assume is he was always in a hurry to complete a play because of public demand. He invented new words when he needed them because he didn’t have a dictionary or thesaurus. After all, they hadn’t been invented until the 17th century.