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Practise your English skills during the summer break

The summer break is a happy time for so many people around the world to take a step back from their tight schedules and busy lives to relax. But, for English language learners, breaks can also mean the danger of losing the valuable English skills they've spent so much effort and time to achieve. During the break, people are usually engaged in some fun activities, but the holidays eventually come to an end, and they realise that they have spent little or no time practising their English skills. That's why, at English Path, we've created some effective practical techniques to help you practise your English skills during the summer break. Make English a part of your daily routine and take your skills to the next level with these techniques. 

1. Read a book in English

Books are one of the greatest inventions that humans have ever come up with. They contain a whole world inside them, and you can visit these worlds by reading these books. Choose a book based on your current level of English proficiency and read for at least 30 minutes without interruptions. You can read short stories, comic books, fantasy, science fiction novels, biographies, self-help books, encyclopaedias, history books or even poems! Read what you find interesting. Books can help you practise your English reading skills and learn something new! 

2. Keep a summer journal

A journal is the keeper of memories. Like books, they also carry a world within, but this time, it's your world. Start writing about your day, your thoughts and your feelings in English. You can keep a physical journal or a digital one on your phone that you can access at any time of the day. Make it a daily habit and spend at least 10-15 minutes writing about your day. By keeping a journal over the summer break, you can not only practise your English writing skills but also discover a safe space where you can express yourself without any restrictions. 

3. Watch films and TV shows in English

Summer is the best time to binge-watch your favourite films and TV shows, but in English, this time. You can even have marathons with your family and friends. If you have trouble understanding the accents of different actors, turn on the English subtitles. It'll help you keep up with the story while building your reading skills. Note down words you can't understand on your phone to look up later. Watching films and TV shows is a great way to practise your listening and reading skills, plus it can also help you identify new ways to express yourself in English. 

4. Play online video games

Did you know that many video games come with fantastic features such as multiplayer options, text functions and voice communication? These features give you a way to practise your English skills with players around the world in real time! You can join people from all over the world to embark on adventures and create strategies while improving your English skills. So, download games like Fortnite, Overwatch and World of Warcraft and enjoy playing some online games while learning English during the summer break! 

5. Take the free EP English test

During the summer break, you can also test yourself by taking the free EP English test every month. The score at the end of the test will show you how well your English skills have improved over the summer break. It can also help you identify the areas where you need to practise more. This is a great way to keep track of your learning progress over the holidays. 

Once you stop practising your English skills, it can be extremely hard to pick up right where you left off when coming back from a break. This summer, we hope you have many new experiences and enjoy your break, but don't forget to practise your English skills when you can. Remember to read, write and play games in English to make English a part of your daily routine. You can also come up with more creative ways to practise English every day. If you need more help to learn English during the summer break, join English Path.

We organise Summer Camps as a part of our Young Learners programme that can help you learn English and have fun while exploring some of the most amazing locations worldwide, like the UK, Ireland, Malta, the UAE, and Canada. 

Frequently asked questions about practising your English skills during the summer break

Q1. How can I practise my English skills during the summer break?

A1. You can practise your English skills during the summer break by making it a part of your daily routine. The key is to practise a little bit every day. You can start by: 

  • Reading books in English that you find interesting.  
  • Watching your favourite films and TV shows in English.  
  • Keeping a journal to write about your day during summer.  
  • Play multiplayer games online with other English speakers.  
  • Listen to music in English to practise your listening skills. 

You can also join the EP community on social media to have interesting conversations with other language learners. There are so many ways to practise English; you just need to be creative. 

Q2. How much time should I spend practising English each day?

A2. You should spend at least one hour daily during summer breaks to practise your English skills. It doesn’t have to be one hour straight. You can mix and match the activities mentioned earlier to make sure that you get at least 60 minutes of practice in during the day. 

Q3. How can I expand my vocabulary in English?

A3. To expand your vocabulary, try watching some English content from different sources and genres. For example, if you like to watch comedies, this time watch something else like a documentary on a topic you like. The plot and dialogue of the documentary will be very different from the comedy you’re used to watching. This will help you learn new words. Write down words you don't understand and look them up later in the dictionary to build your vocabulary. 

Q4. Which is the best way to practise my English-speaking skills?

A4. The best way to practise your English-speaking skills is to partner with other English speakers. You can have so many interesting conversations with them. They can also introduce you to new English words or help you when you have trouble forming a sentence or can’t recall certain words in English. 

Q5. How can I learn English while having fun?

A5. You can learn English while having fun with EP. We offer several English courses at some of the best locations around the world, like London, Malta, Dubai, Toronto and more. By joining us, you can explore all these amazing places and learn English in a nurturing and supportive environment from a team of experienced teachers.