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The English Path academic team goes to IATEFL!

The academic team in London were lucky enough to have the chance to go to one of the biggest English language teaching conferences in May, IATEFL. The conference was held in Belfast this year which is the capital of Northern Ireland.

During the conference, Mary, Holly and Tom attended many presentations about English language teaching such as ways to teach grammar, teacher training and many more!

At English Path, professional development is very important to us as we want to give our students the best academic experience we can. Not only are our teachers highly qualified, but they also have regular Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions with the academic team. Going to IATEFL was a great way to share ideas which we can pass onto our amazing teachers.

Do you have any professional training in your job roles? Why is professional development important to you? Let us know via our social media channels.

EP London - Academic Team